View a screening of The Pendleton 2: They Stood Up, a groundbreaking new documentary that tells the story of political prisoners John “Balagoon” Cole and Christopher “Naeem” Trotter, the leaders of the 1985 Indiana prison uprising that saved a man’s life. Directed by Too Black and TheKingTrill. Though thousands live inside prisons in Indiana, their […]
Rooted in Love, Lifted in Strength is a documentary following the Pettiford-Weaver family--descendants of one of the first Black settlements in Indiana. Through faith, family, and fortitude they have nourished one another at family reunions for 100+ consecutive years and celebrated their heritage with ownership of their recently reclaimed historic land. Fleeing slavery and persecution, […]
A two-day celebration focused on the healing powers of food, community, and spirituality featuring films, food, and testimonies from Black femme creators. The gathering will take attendees on an immersive visual, sensual, auditory, and spiritual experience in the spirit of honoring how Black femmes have nourished themselves and one another while making an indelible impact […]