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The Sisters Are Alright Weekend: A Celebration of the Black Femme Experience – “Dear Black Girl”

November 11, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Through live letter readings and community discussion, The Sisters Are Alright Weekend: A Celebration of the Black Femme Experience amplifies how Black women identify their true selves separate from poisoned narrative. Two gatherings, two venues, one awesome time! ($10 per person/per show.)

For centuries, Black American women have been forced to reckon with negative stereotypes rooted in misogynoir. The indefatigable Mammy; the aggressive Sapphire; the wanton Jezebel; and thoughtlessly procreating Matriarch influence how Black women are seen by society and how they see themselves, disconnecting them from authenticity. Activist Audre Lorde said, “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” This is the spirit of The Sisters Are Alright Weekend: A Celebration of the Black Femme Experience, where participants see what happens when Black women have the freedom to identify their authentic selves–sharing joys, fears and laughter–apart from demonizing stereotype.

Two events explore how Black women identify their authentic selves:

On Nov. 11, a powerful roster of Black women, including performers such as Kesha Dixon, Celeste Williams, and Tatjana Rebelle will take the main stage at The District Theatre for “Dear Black Girl Live II,” reading frank, honest and vulnerable letters about the joys and pains of Black girlhood from the book Dear Black Girl: Letters from Your Sisters on Stepping into Your Power by Tamara Winfrey-Harris.

On Nov. 12, festivalgoers are invited to “Centering Sisters: Loud & Unapologetic” at the Madam Walker Legacy Center—a guaranteed raucous panel and audience discussion that tackles topics such as anger, strength and sex.

To purchase tickets, for “Dear Black Girl Live II,” visit For tickets to “Centering Sisters: Loud & Unapologetic,” visit

A partnership between Centering Sisters, The District Theatre, and Madam Walker Legacy Center.

Contact the event organizers at 219-885-9023 or 

Walk-ins welcome as seating allows, but registration by Nov. 11 and/or 12 is encouraged.

Register below.

Three Black women on stage. One standing and reading at a microphone and the other two are seated.
Image Credit Scott Weber


November 11, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


The District Theatre
627 Massachusetts Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204 United States
+ Google Map


Parking Instructions
Metered parking is available at the District Theatre and the Madam Walker Legacy Center has a free parking lot.