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Navigating a New Identity After the Loss of a Loved One

November 9, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Join us for this profound discussion as individuals from the book Heart Guide share how identity changes after the death of a loved one: such as reevaluating career choices or forging new life paths after losing a child, spouse, parent, or other loved one. Moderated by Award-Winning Author Diana Ensign.

Tackling the topic of death and how we, as individuals and as a culture, go forward in healthy ways after the loss of people we love is a question asked throughout the ages in religion, art, and philosophy. There are no easy answers, but we can share our stories in the hope that it inspires others to forge a new identity in the face of personal hardship.

Drawing from the award-winning book Heart Guide: True Stories of Grief and Healing, panel members will share how they shifted their lives and found hope while navigating a new identity after the loss of their loved one. The audience will find hope in these stories because the speakers have forged ahead in inspirational ways: forming nonprofits to help others, finding new life partners, and creating new identities.

Panelists include Jeanine Hoffman, Franklin Oliver, Justin Phillips, and David Traylor. Moderated by award-winning author Diana J. Ensign. Doors open at 6:30pm for light snacks with presentations beginning at 7pm.

A partnership between Diana J. Ensign, SAMs Watch, and Overdose Lifeline.

Contact the event organizers at 317-828-6883 or

Walk-ins welcome, but registrations strongly encouraged by Nov. 9.

Register below.

Trio of images including Heart Guide book cover, a blue butterfly, and sun setting behind purple flowers
Navigating a New Identity After the Loss of a Loved One


November 9, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Indiana Interchurch Center – Krannert Hall
1100 W. 42nd St.
Indianapolis, IN 46208 United States
+ Google Map


Parking Instructions
Free parking available in the Interchurch Center's lot.